March 2nd 2025


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Parochial Administrator. Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Priest Fr. Luke Verhees

Deacon Sandy Misquitta

Tel: 020 8647 0022


Go to or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.

======================================================EIGHTH SUNDAY O.T YEAR C

Sat. 01 March
St David, Bishop, Patron of Wales
18:30Thanksgiving Families Kone & Thon
Sun. 02nd March
Day For The Unemployed  
08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Tran – Van – Cu RIP
11:00Margherita Bergantini -RIP
18:30E. Mc Donald Special Intention
Mon. 03rd March  08:00 
10:00Maureen Taylor Intentions
Tue. 04th March
St Casimir
10:00Edwing Phiri – RIP
Wed. 05th March
Ash Wednesday
Thu. 06th March  08:00 
10:00Danielle  Delreux – RIP
Fri. 07th March Women’s World Day Of Prayer08:00 
SAT. 08th March  08:00 
SUN. 09th March  08:00People Of The Parish
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm 
Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am
Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am. 


First Day of Lent, fasting and abstinence Masses : 8:00am, 10:00 am, 7.30pm

No Gloria / Alleluia or flowers during Lent

Stations Of The CROSS

During Lent, the Stations of the Cross will be prayed as a community from Monday to Thursday at 9:30 am – Friday at 11:30am.


Fr Wenna Henry Tiku – RIP

On behalf of William, Fr Henry’s brother, his family and Holy Cross Church, we would like to express our gratitude for all your messages, your kindness, compassion and generosity.The Funeral in Arua, Uganda was attended by more than 5000 persons and 80 members of Clergy. It was clear that Fr Henry was much loved. Thank you to all the 4 parishioners who traveled to Uganda. The Diocese of Ocodri was very grateful.

Gift Aid Envelope Boxes (25/26)  weekend of 15/16th March.

The new gift aid envelope boxes will be available for collection in the church porch after all masses . Thank you – Angela



 Monday 10th March at 7.30pm,  Parish hall.  

In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the ultimate priest, prophet and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and fulfilled completely in his very person. All welcome. See notice board for more details


Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Please pray for our Catechumens, Kimberly, Chika, Lorraine and Jason. They are having a day of retreat at Aylesford on Saturday 1st March in preparation for the Rite of Election at St George’s Cathedral on 8th March. This is the next formal step on the journey to being received into the Catholic Church.

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass.

Children’s Liturgy resumes this Sun 2 March 2025 at the 9:30 am Mass!

Mark your calendars: A bake sale to support our ministry will be held on Sun 23 March 2025. Proceeds will replenish craft supplies and fund special activities. Thank you for your generous support! Volunteer with us!  please contact Esme via the Parish Office:

A DAY WITH MARY at St Elphege’s Church Sat. 22nd March 25, 10am

All are invited and welcome to Eucharistic Adoration, Rosaries & Mass.

Intercessory Prayer sessions

On the first Tuesday of every month, just after the 10am mass, the church will be holding an Intercessory Prayer in light of Holy Scripture requesting  all our needs. 

World Day of Prayer takes place on Friday 7th March.

Holy Cross Church will host the service to be held at 1.30p.m.  It has been written by the Christian women of the Cook Islands and will reflect their faith, culture and life. The evening service will be held at St Mary’s Beddington at 7.30 pm.

2025 CTIC Lenten ecumenical groups are:

  • Mon daytime (1.30pm) – (in-person)
  • Tue daytime (11am) at Holy Cross Church
  • Tuesday eve (Zoom and in-person options)
  • Wednesday evening (Zoom and in-person options)
  • Fri evenings (Zoom)

If you would like to participate, please send an email now to Adrian at: with your name, your church, your preferred day and whether you would prefer Zoom or in person.

Thank you

Scouts: On Behalf of the Parish we would like to thank the Scouts for the Christmas tree donation. We would also like to thank all the people who helped to decorate.

Movie Night : Thank you to the Movie Club for their donation to the Parish.

Fridays Lenten lunches

Will start on Fri. the 14th March and Finish on the 11th April . No lunch on Good Friday. We will have a short religious presentation each week.

Anyone who would like to help, please contact Maureen T. via Parish Office. All donations will go to St Raphael Hospice this year. Thank you.

Pilgrimage to Rome & Assisi 2-7 June 25 With Fr Philip Pak

Please check the board in the porch.

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group – 9am-10.15am

Mon: 3rd March / 17th March / 31st March

Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits. We look forward to welcoming you!

Sharing Your Faith Workshop Saturday 15th March 11am – 3:30pm at St Matthias, Worcester Park

The Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis are hosting a Sharing Your Faith Workshop. This one day workshop aims to explore what it means to share our Catholic Faith. There will be practical tips and plenty of opportunities for discussion. For more details, including how to register, please see posters in the Church. Any questions, please email

Archdiocesan Jubilee Celebration Day at The Friars, Aylesford 7 June 25. Led by Archbishop John Wilson, we will gather as an Archdiocese at The Friars, Aylesford for a day of prayer, reflection, celebration, and fun. There will be lots of activities, for children as well as for adults. This will be the centre-piece event of the 2025 Jubilee in the Archdiocese of Southwark. A walking pilgrimage will also be from St George’s Cathedral in Southwark to The Friars (2-6 June 2025). The event itself is free. St Elphege’s is putting on a coach for the day itself, so to join, please contact The price per person will be published soon. They have 20 reserved seats for those interested and is on a first come first- serve basis. You can find out more about the event, including how to join the walking pilgrimage, and the wider Jubilee Year plans in the Archdiocese


Songs of Praise at St George’s Cathedral. St George’s Cathedral is delighted to be working with Songs of Praise for their 2025 Easter Programme. If your parishioners would like to be a part of it, they can apply for free tickets, which will take place on Sat. 15 March 25 from 1-4pm.

The Search for Truth: Edith Stein, 14 – 16 March 2025

Fr Matthew Blake, OCD will offer a weekend exploring the life and teachings of Edith Stein, or St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, and her indominatable search for truth that led her to the Catholic faith. For more information and to book:

Pray for Pope Francis:

Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, continues treatment for bilateral pneumonia, with a stable yet gradual recovery. Let us unite in fervent prayer for his healing and strength.

Care not Killing “ Say No to Assisted Suicide”:

There is a form to sign in the porch for those who wished to do so.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention March: For families in crisis.

Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.                                                                                       

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, Fr Wenna Henry Tiku, Mary Coghlan, William Barton, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson …
Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …