December 8th 2024


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Parish Priest Fr. Henry Tiku Wenna

Assistant Priest Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Tel: 020 8647 0022


Go to or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.

======================================================SECOND SUNDAY Of ADVENT- Yr.C

Sat. 07th Dec.
St Ambrose
18:30Pamela Morris Intention
Sun. 08th Dec.
2nd Sunday Of Advent
08:00Douglas Banks- RIP
09:30Denise O’driscoll Anniversary
11:00Fr Luke Ordination Anniversary
18:30Christina Parish
Mon. 09th Dec.
The Immaculate Conception Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
08:00Sr Caroline Campbell Wellbeing
10:00Ronda, Benjamin, Vanessa &  Lee
19:30Philip, Michael & Caroline Intentions
Tue. 10th Dec.
Our Lady Of Loreto
08:00Bernard McDonagh
10:00Chris Mc Carthy- RIP
Wed. 11th Dec.
St Damasus I, Pope
08:00Leslie, Ethel, Violet & Edward Bradley – RIP
10:00For Valentine Taggart Family & Friends
Thu. 12th Dec.
Our Lady Of Guadalupe
08:00Timoteo & Sophie Vas – RIP
10:00Nicolas T. Intention
Fri. 13th Dec.
St Lucy, Martyr
12:00Azzoopardi & Lombardo Families
SAT. 14th Dec.
St John Of The Cross
08:00Charlish, Douse, Marshall & Ingham Families
10:00Jansen & Austin Families
SUN. 15th Dec. Gaudete Sunday08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Deceased Members Of Kathy & David Ball Family
11:00Joseph Fernandes – RIP
18:30Elizabeth & Fred Weir – RIP
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm 
Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am.  

Monday:Solemnity: The Immaculate Conception Of The Blessed Virgin

Safeguarding : Parents, please accompany your children under 9 years old to the toilets. The Archdiocese of Southwark is committed to the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults.

Fr Luke’s 96th Birthday – 18th December 6.30pm

Please join with Archbishop John Wilson and the Sutton Clergy to celebrate with Fr Luke this special occasion. Refreshment in the hall after Mass.


Advent Service – “Let every heart prepare him room.”

Thursday 12th December, 7:30pm in the hall.

Come together for this service of praise, readings and prayers as we prepare to welcome our Lord Jesus this Christmas. The service will be followed by festive refreshments.

The annual Advent Carol Service : Sunday 15 December 2024

Will take place in the Church at 4.00pm. All are welcome to come and join in the singing, and in the Parish Centre afterwards for Mulled Wine and Mince Pies.’


BIBLE STUDY MealAn invitation – All Welcome.

 A meal embedded in Scripture in preparation for Christmas.  Monday 16th Dec. at 7.30pm, Parish hall. ‘In radical contrast to the disobedience of the first Eve, who prompted Adam to bring sin into the world, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the New Eve, co-operated with God to bring about the remedy for sin and win for everyone the possibility of redemption.’ (Didache commentary). Please bring food of your choice to share . Contact:

Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

sessions resume on Thursday 9th January when we will look at the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.

In the meantime, please do join us for the Advent Service on the 12th December (see separate notice). All welcome.Please get in touch with Kathy:

Rite of Welcome Sunday 15th December – 9:30 Mass

We will celebrate the Rite of Welcome for our Journey in Faith group during the 9.30 am Mass.This short rite is their first formal and public step on their way to becoming Catholics. Please pray for Kimberly, Chika, Lorraine and Jason.

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Esme via the Parish Office: . Thank you for all your support.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION in 2025 – registration is almost complete

There are a few places available for children in Year 4 upwards. Parents please visit the FIRST HOLY COMMUNION page on the parish website, as soon as possible. You’ll find it under SACRAMENTS

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service – Save the date

Holy Cross Church will be hosting the Unity Service on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 7.30 p.m. Please make a note of the date and further details will follow after Christmas.

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group

Mon 9th December : Christmas party.  9am-10.15am

There will be snacks, festive activities and a gift for each child -£3 tickets subject to availability. Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits. We look forward to welcoming you!

CRIB Collections 2024

We encourage you this year again to make Crib offerings for the Catholic Children’s Society, local homeless organisations, or charities, or the Friends of the Holy Land which supports our brothers and sisters who are suffering the land of Our Lord. Further details about the appeal of the Friends of the Holy Land can be found at

Missio December collection

The collection is being held a little earlier this month for the monies to be banked by Christmas.

Can Missio Red Box holders please find their envelopes at the back of the Church, empty their box and return the envelope by Sunday 15th December. You will receive the Missio Calendar for 2025 as a thank you gift. Blessings to you, Alex.

PACT – High Down Visits Centre Holy Cross Christmas Toy Appeal

Our annual Christmas Toy Appeal aims to make Christmas magic for the children whose Mothers are in prison by giving a Christmas gift to their child. Please bring your toys to the Parish before the 15th of December; Please also label them with age appropriateness. With your help, we can make the festive period a little brighter for families.Thank you.

Welcomers and Stewards needed!

Are you someone who enjoys meeting and greeting people? Could you be a friendly, welcoming face for newcomers to the parish? Then do consider joining the team of Welcomers and Stewards.  Volunteers particularly needed for the Christmas Masses. Contact Natacha:

Scripture to parenting workshops

From today, every parishioner, as well as teachers and parents in our schools, has free and unlimited access to the workshops created by the world-renowned Catechetical Institute. From Scripture to parenting workshops, to catechetical training and mentoring, there is something for everyone. For information on how to register your free account visit:

Praying the Mass with Archbishop John:

Advent is a time people return to Mass, sometimes after many years – for others Mass is the cornerstone of their spiritual lives. To help people, wherever they are on their spiritual journey, connect more prayerfully with the Lord Jesus, Archbishop John has recorded a message ( which guides us on how to pray through the Mass. Archbishop John said: ‘the Eucharist is at the very heart of the Mass, but also the Church. It is an invitation from the Lord Jesus to participate in His sacrifice’.

2025: Year of Jubilee

Pope Francis has announced that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee – an event that happens every 25 years.

The theme for the upcoming Jubilee is Pilgrims of Hope”. The 2025 Jubilee will begin in Advent 2024 and will run until the Feast of the Epiphany in 2026. In the parish, we shall emphasise and encourage more prayer groups and pilgrimages within and outside the country.

Holy Cross Film Club showing: It’s a Wonderful Life

Parish Centre 7.45 pm, Friday 13 December (Mulled wine & mince pies, from 7.30pm)

When a man becomes suicidal, an angel from heaven is sent to him to change his heart. With James Stewart and Donna Reed.

Admission Free, No booking required. Running time: 130 mins, plus interval

For further information email:

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention Dec.: For Pilgrims Of HOPE.

Let us pray that this Jubilee strengthen us in our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in the midst of our lives, transforming us into pilgrims of Christian hope.                                                                                               

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, William Barton, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson, Janet Pini, Breda Witherow, Denis Hartnett, Peter Shelbourne,  …
Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …

December 1st 2024


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Parish Priest Fr. Henry Tiku Wenna

Assistant Priest Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Tel: 020 8647 0022


Go to or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.

======================================================FIRST SUNDAY Of ADVENT- Yr C

Sat. 30th Nov.
St Andrew, Apostle, Feast
18:30Anne Marie Kone – RIP
Sun. 01st Dec.
1st Sunday Of Advent
08:00Ricky Bermudez – RIP
09:30People Of The Parish
11:00Cath Byrne – RIP
Mon. 02nd Dec.  08:00Sr Caroline Campbell Wellbeing
Tue. 03rd Dec.
ST FRANCIS XAVIER,PRIEST(M) Day Of Prayer For  Migrants
Wed. 04th Dec.  08:00 
Thu. 05th Dec.  08:00Deceased Members Of Driver & Croke Family
Fri. 06th Dec.  08:00 
SAT. 07th Dec.
18:30Pamela Morris Intention
SUN. 08th Dec.
2nd Sunday Of Advent
08:00Douglas Banks- RIP
18:30People Of The Parish
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm 
Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am.  

Second Collection this weekend for the Catholic Youth Services

There will be a second collection for the Catholic  Youth Services. This collection supports youth work in the diocese and beyond, especially the Southwark Catholic Youth Service.

Safeguarding : Parents, please accompany your children under 9 years old to the toilets. The Archdiocese of Southwark is committed to the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults.

Fr Luke’s 70th Anniversary  Of Ordination – 8th December 11 am

Reminder : Please enter your names on the list in the Porch.

Please be notified that there will be no parking available at the back of the Church for the 9:30am Mass.


BIBLE STUDY MealAn invitation – All Welcome.

 A meal embedded in Scripture in preparation for Christmas.  Monday 16th Dec. at 7.30pm, Parish hall. ‘In radical contrast to the disobedience of the first Eve, who prompted Adam to bring sin into the world, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the New Eve, co-operated with God to bring about the remedy for sin and win for everyone the possibility of redemption.’ (Didache commentary). Please bring food of your choice to share . Contact:

Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Sessions continue on 05th December when we will have an introduction to the Sacraments and living the Sacramental life. Please get in touch with Kathy:

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Esme via the Parish Office: . Thank you for all your support.

Advent Service – “Let every heart prepare him room.”

Thursday 12th December, 7:30pm in the hall.

Come together for this service of praise, readings and prayers as we prepare to welcome our Lord Jesus this Christmas. The service will be followed by festive refreshments.

Holy Cross Christmas ‘Open House’ Sat. 7th December, 1:00 – 3:30pm ‘Cancelled’

Due to the absence of volunteers, this exercise will no longer be held. Thanks for your understanding.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service – Save the date

Holy Cross Church will be hosting the Unity Service on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 7.30 p.m. Please make a note of the date and further details will follow after Christmas.

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group

Mon 9th December : Christmas party.  9am-10.15am

There will be snacks, festive activities and a gift for each child -£3 tickets subject to availability. Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits. We look forward to welcoming you!

Missio December collection

The collection is being held a little earlier this month for the monies to be banked by Christmas.

Can Missio Red Box holders please find their envelopes at the back of the Church, empty their box and return the envelope by Sunday 15th December. You will receive the Missio Calendar for 2025 as a thank you gift. Blessings to you, Alex.

PACT – High Down Visits Centre Holy Cross Christmas Toy Appeal

Our annual Christmas Toy Appeal aims to make Christmas magic for the children whose Mothers are in prison by giving a Christmas gift to their child. Please bring your toys to the Parish before the 15th of December; Please also label them with age appropriateness. With your help, we can make the festive period a little brighter for families.Thank you.

Welcomers and Stewards needed!

Are you someone who enjoys meeting and greeting people? Could you be a friendly, welcoming face for newcomers to the parish? Then do consider joining the team of Welcomers and Stewards.  Volunteers particularly needed for the Christmas Masses. Contact Natacha:

Praying the Mass with Archbishop John:

Advent is a time people return to Mass, sometimes after many years – for others Mass is the cornerstone of their spiritual lives. To help people, wherever they are on their spiritual journey, connect more prayerfully with the Lord Jesus, Archbishop John has recorded a message ( which guides us on how to pray through the Mass. Archbishop John said: ‘the Eucharist is at the very heart of the Mass, but also the Church. It is an invitation from the Lord Jesus to participate in His sacrifice’.

Southwark Archdiocese Rosary Prayer Project

Everyone is warmly invited to join this Archdiocese-wide prayer initiative, praying a decade of the Rosary each day for priests and parishes in their deanery.

For details see the poster on the noticeboard, pick up an invitation leaflet at the back of church or email

Assisted Suicide

Some of Archbishop John’s statements and his pastoral message on Assisted Suicide may be found here:

2025: Year of Jubilee

Pope Francis has announced that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee – an event that happens every 25 years.

The theme for the upcoming Jubilee is Pilgrims of Hope”. The 2025 Jubilee will begin in Advent 2024 and will run until the Feast of the Epiphany in 2026. In the parish, we shall emphasise and encourage more prayer groups and pilgrimages within and outside the country.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention Dec.: For Pilgrims Of HOPE.

Let us pray that this Jubilee strengthen us in our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in the midst of our lives, transforming us into pilgrims of Christian hope.                                                                                               

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, William Barton, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson, Janet Pini, Breda Witherow, Denis Hartnett, Peter Shelbourne,  …
Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …

November 24th 2024


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Parish Priest Fr. Henry Tiku Wenna

Assistant Priest Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Tel: 020 8647 0022


Go to or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.



Sat. 23rd Nov.
St Clement I, Pope & MArtyr.
18:30Thanksgiving For F.C.B.J & Family
Sun. 24th Nov.
Christ The king
08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Thanksgiving For Health & Wellbeing – Swella Dias
11:00Rebecca Birthday Intention
18:30Jennifer Hau Health Intention
Mon. 25Th Nov.
St Catherine Of Alexandria, Martyr.
08:00Deceased Members Of Omotoso & Fasun Loro Family
10:00Deceased Members Of Bradley Family & Friends
Tue. 26th Nov.  08:00Margaret Fernandes – RIP
10:00Deceased Members Of AnthonyFamily & Friends  Edward Dixon – RIP
Wed. 27th Nov.  08:00John Ian Brogan
10:00 Swelha Dias Father- RIP
Thu. 28th Nov.
St  Catherine LabourÉ
08:00Carmeline Mendes- RIP Deceased Members Of Driver & Croke Fami
10:00Thanksgiving & Pers. Int. D’Almeida
Fri. 29th Nov.
Ss Cuthbert Mayne & Companions, Martyrs
08:00Deceased Members Of Desouza And Fernandes  Family
12:00Deceased Members Omotoso & Noeleen Family
SAT. 30th Nov.
St Andrew, Apostle, Feast
08:00Ross Desouza – RIP
09:00Adoration And Benediction
10:00Paul Khien Tran – RIP
18:30Anne Marie Kone – RIP
SUN. 01st Dec.
1st Sunday Of Advent
08:00Ricky Bermudez – RIP
09:30People Of The Parish
11:00Cath Byrne – RIP
18:30Jennifer Hau – Health Intention
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm
 Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am.  


A plenary indulgence is granted for those present, subject to the usual conditions

Second Collection this weekend for the Catholic Youth Services

There will be a second collection for the Catholic  Youth Services. This collection supports youth work in the diocese and beyond, especially the Southwark Catholic Youth Service.

Safeguarding : Parents, please accompany your children under 9 years old to the toilets. The Archdiocese of Southwark is committed to the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults.

Fr Luke’s 70th Anniversary  Of Ordination – 8th December 11 am

Reminder : Please enter your names on the list in the Porch.



With Bishop Barron. Join us for Bible study, Monday 25th Nov. at 7.30pm , Parish hall.

In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and fulfilled completely in his very person. All welcome for one or all of the sessions. See noticeboard for more details. Contact:

Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Sessions continue on 28th November with a session on the Church and the Church’s Year. Please get in touch with Kathy:

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass 

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Esme via the Parish Office: . Thank you for all your support.


Confirmation Session started on 12th November at 7pm.

Forms are available on the table in the porch. Please note that the Confirmation program is only for candidates of Year 10 and above. Please pray for our candidates and catechists. The registration fee is £20.

Holy Cross Christmas ‘Open House’ Sat. 7th December, 1:00 – 3:30pm

Helpers needed!

Following the parish expo in September, we now want to reach out and invite people from our local community to visit our church for free festive refreshments and the opportunity, if they wish, to spend time in prayer or quiet reflection in the church. We need people to help serve refreshments, be present in the church and hand out invitation cards in the streets. We need at least 12 people, but the more the merrier. Please contact Margaret Ann on 07986 743107 to get involved in this outreach activity.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service – Save the date

Holy Cross Church will be hosting the Unity Service on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 7.30 p.m. Please make a note of the date and further details will follow after Christmas.

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group 9.00 am-10.15am

Monday 25th Nov.  Entry: £1.50 per family.

Monday 9th December : Christmas party.

There will be snacks, festive activities and a gift for each child (£3 tickets available 25th November and on the day subject to availability ).

Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits. We look forward to welcoming you!

Flame 2025 – 15th March 2025

CYMFed is working for a world in which there is a vibrant Youth Ministry in every Catholic Community.The Southwark Diocesan Youth Service is thrilled to invite all young people to join them once again for an inspirational day of worship, top-rated speakers, fantastic music and the chance to join together in prayer.

We are organising a coach from St Elphege’s to Wembley for Flame, and have reserved the tickets via the Southwark Youth Team at the early bird cost of £29:00 per ticket. Registration and consent will be coordinated through St Elphege’s.

PACT – High Down Visits Centre Holy Cross Christmas Toy Appeal

Our annual Christmas Toy Appeal aims to make Christmas magic for the children whose Mothers are in prison by giving a Christmas gift to their child. Please bring your toys to the Parish before the 15th of December; Please also label them with age appropriateness. With your help, we can make the festive period a little brighter for families.Thank you.

Welcomers and Stewards needed!

Are you someone who enjoys meeting and greeting people? Could you be a friendly, welcoming face for newcomers to the parish? Then do consider joining the team of Welcomers and Stewards.  Volunteers particularly needed for the Christmas Masses. Contact Natacha:

Praying the Mass with Archbishop John:

Advent is a time people return to Mass, sometimes after many years – for others Mass is the cornerstone of their spiritual lives. To help people, wherever they are on their spiritual journey, connect more prayerfully with the Lord Jesus, Archbishop John has recorded a message ( which guides us on how to pray through the Mass. Archbishop John said: ‘the Eucharist is at the very heart of the Mass, but also the Church. It is an invitation from the Lord Jesus to participate in His sacrifice’.

Southwark Archdiocese Rosary Prayer Project

Everyone is warmly invited to join this Archdiocese-wide prayer initiative, praying a decade of the Rosary each day for priests and parishes in their deanery.

For details see the poster on the noticeboard, pick up an invitation leaflet at the back of church or email

Assisted Suicide

With only two weeks remaining until the parliamentary debate and vote, the Bishops urge Catholics and all who share our belief in the sanctity and value of every human life to contact their local MP, expressing their opposition and requesting that they either oppose or abstain from supporting the Bill.

Some of Archbishop John’s statements and his pastoral message on Assisted Suicide may be found here:

2025: Year of Jubilee

Pope Francis has announced that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee – an event that happens every 25 years.

The theme for the upcoming Jubilee is Pilgrims of Hope. The 2025 Jubilee will begin in Advent 2024 and will run until the Feast of the Epiphany in 2026. In the parish, we shall emphasise and encourage more prayer groups and pilgrimages within and outside the country.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention Nov.: For Those Who Have Lost A Child.

Let us pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community, and may receive peace of heart from the Spirit of Consolation.                                                                                               

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, William Barton, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson, Janet Pini, Breda Witherow, Denis Hartnett, Peter Shelbourne,  …
Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …

November 17th 2024


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Parish Priest Fr. Henry Tiku Wenna

Assistant Priest Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Tel: 020 8647 0022


Go to or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.



Sat. 16th Nov.
St Edmund Of Abingdon
18:30Sean Coghlan – RIP
Sun. 17th Nov.
World Day Of The Poor
08:00David Grover – RIP
09:30People Of The Parish
11:00St Philomena’s Old Girls
18:30Kate Ward – RIP
Mon. 18Th Nov. Dedication Of The Basilicas Of SS Peter & Paul, Apostles08:00 
10:00Deceased Members Of Adrian Clamp Family & Friends
Tue. 19th Nov.  08:00Francis Rodrigues – RIP
10:00Deceased Members Of Anthony McDermott Family & Friends
Wed. 20th Nov.  08:00 
10:00Edward Dixon – RIP
Thu. 21ST Nov.
The Presentation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
10:00Marie Lyse-  Intention
Fri. 22ND Nov.
St Cecilia, Martyr
08:00Deceased Members Of Daniel O’Driscoll Family & Friends
12:00Maria O’Shea & Ricky Bermudez – RIP
SAT. 23RD Nov.
St Clement I, Pope & MArtyr.
08:00Mario & Annie Diniz – RIP
09:00Adoration And Benediction
18:30Thanksgiving For F.C.B.J & Family
SUN. 24th Nov. Christ The king08:00 
09:30Thanksgiving For Health & Wellbeing – Swella Dias
11:00Rebecca Birthday Intention
18:30Jennifer Hau Health Intention
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm 
Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am.  

Solemnity of Christ the King – Next Sunday

Holy Souls – November – Month of Remembrance:

This month is dedicated to special prayers for departed souls. We invite everyone who has lost a loved one between November 2023 and October 2024 to write their names in the notepad provided in the church. Mass Intentions Envelopes will be placed in the box near the Altar during the month of November.

Second Collection next weekend for the Catholic Youth Services

There will be a second collection for the Catholic  Youth Services. This collection supports youth work in the diocese and beyond, especially the Southwark Catholic Youth Service.


Parents, please accompany your children under 9 years old to the toilets.

The Archdiocese of Southwark is committed to the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults.

Fr Luke’s 70th Anniversary  Of Ordination – 8th December 11 am

‘Fr Luke will be celebrating Mass here with Bishop Richard Moth.To assist with catering arrangements, anyone who would like to attend the reception that will be held immediately afterwards at St Mary’s Schools, please enter your names on the list in the Porch by 22 November.

Red Wednesday – 20th November: A day of prayer and action for persecuted Christians

· Wear something red.

· Pray the Rosary: The Rosary before 10am Mass on 20th November will be said for the intention of Persecuted Christians.

· Go to Mass on Red Wednesday on behalf of someone who is prevented from doing so due to their being persecuted for their faith.

· Attend Red Wednesday London Event at the Brompton Oratory Cathedral

· Inform yourself: go to :



With Bishop Barron

Join us for Bible study, Monday 25th Nov. at 7.30pm , Parish hall.

In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and fulfilled completely in his very person. All welcome for one or all of the sessions. See noticeboard for more details. Contact:

Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Sessions continue on 21st November with the theme of Prayer.

Please get in touch with Kathy:

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass 

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Esme via the Parish Office: . Thank you for all your support.


Confirmation Session started on 12th November at 7pm.

Forms are available on the table in the porch. Please note that the Confirmation program is only for candidates of Year 10 and above. Please pray for our candidates and catechists. The registration fee is £20.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service – Save the date

Holy Cross Church will be hosting the Unity Service on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 7.30 p.m.

Please make a note of the date and further details will follow after Christmas.

Christmas Cards and Cakes sale: 23rd / 24th November.

We are planning to have a Christmas Cards and cake sale in the Parish Hall after all masses.  We need urgently need volunteers and cake donations . Please support by bringing your cake donation.

Welcomers and Stewards needed!

Are you someone who enjoys meeting and greeting people? Could you be a friendly, welcoming face for newcomers to the parish? Then do consider joining the team of Welcomers and Stewards.  Volunteers particularly needed for the Christmas Masses. Contact Natacha:

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group 9.00 am-10.15am

Monday 25th Nov.  Entry: £1.50 per family.

Monday 9th December : Christmas party.

There will be snacks, festive activities and a gift for each child (£3 tickets available 25th November and on the day subject to availability ).

Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits. We look forward to welcoming you!

Flame 2025 – 15th March 2025

We are organising a coach from St Elphege’s to Wembley for Flame, and have reserved the tickets via the Southwark Youth Team at the early bird cost of £29:00 per ticket. Registration and consent will be coordinated through St Elphege’s.

Assisted Suicide

With only two weeks remaining until the parliamentary debate and vote, the Bishops urge Catholics and all who share our belief in the sanctity and value of every human life to contact their local MP, expressing their opposition and requesting that they either oppose or abstain from supporting the Bill.

Some of Archbishop John’s statements and his pastoral message on Assisted Suicide may be found here:

Please act on assisted suicide, Archbishop Wilson urges support for the most vulnerable in light of the push for Assisted Suicide Archbishop Wilson: “Every human life is to be cherished.”

2025: Year of Jubilee

Pope Francis has announced that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee – an event that happens every 25 years.

The theme for the upcoming Jubilee is Pilgrims of Hope”. The 2025 Jubilee will begin in Advent 2024 and will run until the Feast of the Epiphany in 2026. In the parish, we shall emphasise and encourage more prayer groups and pilgrimages within and outside the country.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention Nov.: For Those Who Have Lost A Child.

Let us pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community, and may receive peace of heart from the Spirit of Consolation.  

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, William Barton, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson, Janet Pini, Breda Witherow, Denis Hartnett, Peter Shelbourne,  …
Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …

November 10th 2024


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Parish Priest Fr. Henry Tiku Wenna

Assistant Priest Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Tel: 020 8647 0022


Go to or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.



Sat. 09th Nov.
The Dedication Of The Lateran Basilica, Feast.
18:30Paul Bernadac & Henri Bernadac – RIP
Sun. 10th Nov. Remembrance Sunday08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Deceased Tran & Do Families
11:00For Those who gave their lives in war
18:30Brian & Bridget Scanlon – RIP
Mon. 11th Nov.
St Martin Of Tours.
08:00David Evered – RIP
10:00Marie Pugh
Tue. 12th Nov.
St Josaphat, Martyr.
08:00For Family tree, Past, Present, To come, Maeve & Michael D
10:00Fr Philip BD Farell & Perdinan Intentions
Wed. 13th Nov.
St Frances Xavier Cabrini
10:00Sarah Dobbyn – RIP
Thu. 14th Nov.  08:00 
10:00Soul Of Domingo Tan & Deceased members of The Tan Family & Friends
Fri. 15th  Nov.
St Albert The Great
12:00Soul Of Ruben Marin & Deceased Members Of The Marin Family & Friends
SAT. 16th Nov.
St Edmund Of Abingdon
09:00Adoration And Benediction
10:00Deceased Catenian Brothers
18:30Sean Coghlan – RIP
SUN. 17th Nov. World Day Of The Poor.08:00David Grover – RIP
09:30People Of The Parish
11:00St Philomena’s Old Girls
18:30Kate Ward – RIP
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm 
Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am.  

Holy Souls – November – Month of Remembrance:

This month is dedicated to special prayers for departed souls. We invite everyone who has lost a loved one between November 2023 and October 2024 to write their names in the notepad provided in the church. Mass Intentions Envelopes will be placed in the box near the Altar during the month of November.

Second Collection this weekend for the Archbishop’s Appeal

It  funds key areas of ministry: Youth and Evangelisation, Our Faith in Action (Caritas) and Clergy Care and Formation. Your support will enable the Archdiocese of Southwark to support innovative projects taking place within Catholic parishes and Schools throughout South London and Kent. Please be generous to the Archbishop’s Appeal 2024. Every gift is welcome.

Find out more, or donate online:

Happy Birthday Fr Philip

We wish Fr Philip a very Happy Birthday on Tues 12th Nov.

Please keep him in your prayers. Thank you, Fr Philip for all the good you do, we are grateful. May God continue to fill your days with health and happiness!

Fr Luke’s 70th Anniversary  Of Ordination – 8th December 11 am

‘Fr Luke will be celebrating Mass here with Bishop Richard Moth.To assist with catering arrangements, anyone who would like to attend the reception that will be held immediately afterwards at St Mary’s Schools, please enter your names on the list in the Porch by 22 November.’



With Bishop Barron

Join us for Bible study, Monday 25th Nov. at 7.30pm , Parish hall.

In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and fulfilled completely in his very person. All welcome for one or all of the sessions. See noticeboard for more details. Contact:

Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Sessions resume on 14th November with the theme of the Holy Spirit.

Please get in touch with Kathy:

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass 

We will resume on Sun 10th November 2024

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Esme via the Parish Office: . Thank you for all your support.


Confirmation Session starts on 12th November at 7pm.

Presentation for parents at 7.00pm in the church, Rosary with children at 7pm in the hall.

Forms are available on the table in the porch. Please note that the Confirmation program is only for candidates of Year 10 and above. Please pray for our candidates and catechists. The registration fee is £20.

Southwark Archdiocese Rosary Prayer Project

Intercessory prayer for the parishes, priests and people of the diocese and for renewal is vital. We have different contemplative orders who are holding our diocese and work in prayer.

On 7 June 2025, there will be a major celebration at The Friars, Aylesford for theJubilee year – coinciding with the sixtieth anniversary of Southwark becoming an archdiocese. Leading up to that, we are introducing our Southwark Archdiocese Rosary Prayer Project. We are encouraging people from around the archdiocese to pray a decade of the Rosary for specified priests and parishes from their own deanery each day until Pentecost Saturday. If you would like to join, please follow this link:

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group9.00 am-10.15am

Mondays  11th  Nov / 25th Nov

Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits.

Entry: £1.50 per family. We look forward to welcoming you!

Christmas Cards and Cakes sale: 23rd / 24th November.

We are planning to have a Christmas Cards and cake sale in the Parish Hall after all masses. Please support it, we welcome cake donations.

Welcomers and Stewards needed!

Are you someone who enjoys meeting and greeting people? Could you be a friendly, welcoming face for newcomers to the parish? Then do consider joining the team of Welcomers and Stewards.

Contact Natacha:

Flame 2025 – 15th March 2025

We are organising a coach from St Elphege’s to Wembley for Flame, and have reserved the tickets via the Southwark Youth Team at the early bird cost of £29:00 per ticket. Registration and consent will be coordinated through St Elphege’s.

Southwark Catholic Youth Network

We’ve introduced several Youth / Young Adults Days and retreats this year in different areas of the Archdiocese, including the Cathedral, New Malden, and

Chatham. The days are an opportunity for the children to receive catechesis about the key aspects of the faith from a guest speaker.

For more and to book:

CAFOD-DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal

The conflict in the Middle East is getting worse and the families affected need our help. Please donate today to the CAFOD-DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal and support our local Caritas partners in Gaza and Lebanon as they continue to provide essential food, water and shelter:

2025: Year of Jubilee

Pope Francis has announced that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee – an event that happens every 25 years.

The theme for the upcoming Jubilee is Pilgrims of Hope. The 2025 Jubilee will begin in Advent 2024 and will run until the Feast of the Epiphany in 2026. In the parish, we shall emphasise and encourage more prayer groups and pilgrimages within and outside the country.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention Nov.: For Those Who Have Lost A Child.

Let us pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community, and may receive peace of heart from the Spirit of Consolation.  

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, William Barton, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson, Janet Pini, Breda Witherow, Denis Hartnett, Peter Shelbourne,  …
Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …

November 3rd 2024


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Parish Priest Fr. Henry Tiku Wenna

Assistant Priest Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Tel: 020 8647 0022


Go to or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.



Sat. 02nd Nov.
All Souls’ Day
18:30Patricia Marter – RIP
Sun. 03rd Nov.  08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Deceased Of Kalinowski & Zogbessou Families
11:00Deceased Members Of Derrick Family
18:30Kathleen Brown – Birthday Intention
Mon. 04Th Nov.
St Charles Borromeo
08:00Maria – Tg. sacred heart Of Jesus
10:00Louise Brennan – RIP
Tue. 05th Nov.  08:00Carmeline Mendes & Auroliano Silvestre Pinto-RIP
10:00Bridgetten Full Healing
Wed. 06th Nov.  08:00Bridget McDonagh 60th Birthday
09.30Funeral Mass Maria O’Shea – RIP
Thu. 07th Nov. Dedication Of The Cathedral Church  Of St George, Feast08:00 
Fri. 08th  Nov.
St Willibrord
12:00William Barton – RIP
SAT. 09th Nov.
The Dedication Of The Lateran Basilica, Feast.
09:00Adoration And Benediction
18:30Paul Bernadac & Henri Bernadac – RIP
SUN. 10th Nov. Remembrance Sunday08:00People Of The Parish
11:00For Those who gave their lives in war
18:30Brian & Bridget Scanlon – RIP
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm 
Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am.  


This will take place on Sunday 03rd  November 2024 at 3.00 pm

Holy Souls – November – Month of Remembrance:

The month of November is dedicated to special prayers for departed souls. We invite everyone who has lost a loved one between November 2023 and October 2024 to write their names in the notepad provided in the church.

Mass Intentions Envelopes are available at the back of the Church for parishioners, to put the names of your deceased relatives and friends on. These envelopes will be placed in the box near the Altar during the month of November.

Maria O’Shea – RIP FuneralWednesday 6th November at 9.30 am

She was a long time parishioner of Holy Cross Parish. All invited. Please note that we have no parking spaces available on site. Refreshment after Mass.

 No 10 am Mass on that day

William Luigi Barton – RIP Funeral – Friday 8th Nov. at 1.30 pm .

He was a long time parishioner of Holy Cross Parish. All invited. Please note that we have no parking spaces available on site.


The 2-minutes silence of Remembrance will take place at 11am. So, we will start our Service earlier at 10.55am. The 11th Wallington Scouts will be parading. We invite our young people who are members of cadets, scouts and guides to wear their uniform at this Mass with pride.

Second Collection next week for the Archbishop’s Appeal

The Archbishop’s Appeal is a Diocesan second collection that funds key areas of ministry: Youth and Evangelisation, Our Faith in Action (Caritas) and Clergy Care and Formation. Your support will enable the Archdiocese of Southwark to support innovative projects taking place within Catholic parishes and Schools throughout South London and Kent that seek to invest Faith, Hope and Love into the communities they serve. Please be generous to the Archbishop’s Appeal 2024. Every gift is welcome.

Find out more, or donate online:



With Bishop Barron

Join us for Bible study, Monday 04th Nov. at 7.30pm , Parish hall.

In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and fulfilled completely in his very person. All welcome for one or all of the sessions. See noticeboard for more details. Contact:

Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Sessions resume on 7th November with the theme of Jesus’s Public Ministry.

If you were unable to attend last week but would like to join the group, you are most welcome. Please get in touch with Kathy:

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass 

We will resume on Sun 10th November 2024

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Esme via the Parish Office: . Thank you for all your support.


Confirmation Session starts on 12th November at 7pm.

Presentation for parents at 7.30pm in the church, Rosary with children at 7pm in the hall.

Forms are available on the table in the porch. Please note that the Confirmation program is only for candidates of Year 10 and above. Please pray for our candidates and catechists. The registration fee is £20.

Southwark Archdiocese Rosary Prayer Project

Intercessory prayer for the parishes, priests and people of the diocese and for renewal is vital. We have different contemplative orders who are holding our diocese and work in prayer.

On 7 June 2025, there will be a major celebration at The Friars, Aylesford for theJubilee year – coinciding with the sixtieth anniversary of Southwark becoming an archdiocese. Leading up to that, we are introducing our Southwark Archdiocese Rosary Prayer Project. We are encouraging people from around the archdiocese to pray a decade of the Rosary for specified priests and parishes from their own deanery each day until Pentecost Saturday. If you would like to join, please follow this link:

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group 9.00 am-10.15am

Mondays  11th  Nov / 25th Nov

Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits.

Entry: £1.50 per family. We look forward to welcoming you!

Christmas Cards and Cakes sale: 23rd / 24th November.

We are planning to have a Christmas Cards and cake sale in the Parish Hall after all masses. Please support it, we welcome cake donations.

Flame 2025 – 15th March 2025

We are organising a coach from St Elphege’s to Wembley for Flame, and have reserved the tickets via the Southwark Youth Team at the early bird cost of £29:00 per ticket. Registration and consent will be coordinated through St Elphege’s.

The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS).

The CCRS is designed and intended to support the Archbishop’s vision of missionary parishes and schools by cultivating an evangelistic spirit.  Participants will be equipped to make an informed and practical contributions to their chosen field of ministry within the Church. Please visit for further information. Closing date for applicants this year is 4 November 2024.

Southwark Catholic Youth Network

We’ve introduced several Youth / Young Adults Days and retreats this year in different areas of the Archdiocese, including the Cathedral, New Malden, and

Chatham. The days are an opportunity for the children to receive catechesis about the key aspects of the faith from a guest speaker.

For more and to book:

CAFOD-DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal

The conflict in the Middle East is getting worse and the families affected need our help. Please donate today to the CAFOD-DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal and support our local Caritas partners in Gaza and Lebanon as they continue to provide essential food, water and shelter:

Holy Cross Film Club showing: The Lady in the Van

The story of Alan Bennett’s strained friendship with Mary Shepherd who lived in a van parked on his driveway for 15 years.

Starring Maggie Smith. Admission Free, No booking required.

Parish Centre 7.45 pm, Friday 8 Nov. (Refreshments -7.30pm)

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention Nov.: For Those Who Have Lost A Child.

Let us pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community, and may receive peace of heart from the Spirit of Consolation.  

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, William Barton, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson, Janet Pini, Breda Witherow, Denis Hartnett, Peter Shelbourne,  …
Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …

October 27th 2024


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Parish Priest Fr. Henry Tiku Wenna

Assistant Priest Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Tel: 020 8647 0022


Go to or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.

======================================================THIRTIETH SUNDAY – Y. B

Sat. 26TH Oct.
The Blessed Virgin Mary
18:30Maria O’Shea – RIP Anne Marie Kone – RIP
Sun. 27th Oct.  08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Erica O. Personal Intention
11:00John Stacey – RIP
18:30Jennifer Hau- Health Intention
Mon. 28th Oct.
Ss Simon & Jude, Apostles, Feast
Tue. 29th Oct.  08:00 
Wed. 30th Oct.  08:00 
Thu. 31st Oct.  08:00 
10:00Tom Ward – RIP
Fri. 01st Nov.
All Saints
12:00Vanessa O’Shea & Family
19:30All Souls
SAT. 02nd Nov.
All Souls’ Day
08:00All Souls
09:00Adoration And Benediction
10:00Thomas & Mary Flannery
18:30Patricia Marter – RIP
SUN. 03rd Nov.  08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Deceased Of Kalinowski & Zogbessou Families
11:00Deceased Members Of Derrick Family
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm 
Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am.  

Friday is All Saints, Solemnity and Holyday Of Obligation.

Saturday is All Souls’ Day. A plenary indulgence  may be gained once in any church either on All Souls’ Day , on the preceding or following Sunday or on the Feast of All Saints.

Those who visit a cemetery between 1st and 8th Nov. and pray for the faithful departed may obtain a pleanary indulgence.

Maria O’Shea – RIP Funeral

Maria O’Shea who was a long time parishioner of Holy Cross Parish, funeral is on Wednesday 6th November at 9.30 am . All invited. Please note that we have no parking spaces available on site. Refreshment after Mass.


This will take place on Sunday 03rd  November 2024 at 3.00 pm

Mass Intentions

Please fill in a Mass intention envelope when you are requesting a Mass and only send an email in case of emergency. It will help when recording the Mass bookings.



With Bishop Barron

Join us for Bible study, Monday 04th Nov. at 7.30pm , Parish hall.

In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and fulfilled completely in his very person. All welcome for one or all of the sessions. See noticeboard for more details. Contact:

Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

No session on 31st October as we break for half term. Sessions resume on 7th November with the theme of Jesus’s Public Ministry.

If you were unable to attend last week but would like to join the group, you are most welcome. Please get in touch with Kathy:

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass 

We break off for the half term holidays.  We will resume on Sun 10th November 2024

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Esme via the Parish Office: . Thank you for all your support.


Confirmation Session starts on 12th November at 7pm.

Presentation for parents at 7.30pm in the church, Rosary with children at 7pm in the hall.

Forms are available on the table in the porch. Please note that the Confirmation program is only for candidates of Year 10 and above. Please pray for our candidates and catechists. The registration fee is £20.

Southwark Archdiocese Rosary Prayer Project

Intercessory prayer for the parishes, priests and people of the diocese and for renewal is vital. We have different contemplative orders who are holding our diocese and work in prayer.

On 7 June 2025 – there will be a major celebration at The Friars, Aylesford for theJubilee year – coinciding with the sixtieth anniversary of Southwark becoming an archdiocese. Leading up to that, we are introducing our Southwark Archdiocese Rosary Prayer Project. We are encouraging people from around the archdiocese to pray a decade of the Rosary for specified priests and parishes from their own deanery each day until Pentecost Saturday. If you would like to join, please follow this link:

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group 9.00 am-10.15am

Mondays  11th  Nov / 25th Nov

Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits.

Entry: £1.50 per family. We look forward to welcoming you!

Christmas Cards and Cakes sale: 23rd / 24th November.

We are planning to have a Chrismas Cards and cake sale in the Parish Hall after all masses. Please support it, we welcome cake donations.

MA Research Project Parish Feedback:  THE HOLY TRINITY

knowledge, understanding and spiritual progression

Tuesday 29th October 7.30pm in Upper Room in parish hall. Please book your place by emailing Cherryl:

Flame 2025 – 15th March 2025

We are organising a coach from St Elphege’s to Wembley for Flame, and have reserved the tickets via the Southwark Youth Team at the early bird cost of £29:00 per ticket. Registration and consent will be coordinated through St Elphege’s.

The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS).

The CCRS is designed and intended to support the Archbishop’s vision of missionary parishes and schools by cultivating an evangelistic spirit.  Participants will be equipped to make an informed and practical contributions to their chosen field of ministry within the Church. Please visit for further information. Closing date for applicants this year is 4 November 2024.

Southwark Catholic Youth Network

We’ve introduced several Youth / Young Adults Days and retreats this year in different areas of the Archdiocese, including the Cathedral, New Malden, and Chatham. The days are an opportunity for the children to receive catechesis about the key aspects of the faith from a guest speaker.

For more and to book:

CAFOD-DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal

The conflict in the Middle East is getting worse and the families affected need our help. Please donate today to the CAFOD-DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal and support our local Caritas partners in Gaza and Lebanon as they continue to provide essential food, water and shelter:

Oppose Assisted Dying Bill.

There have been increasing reports that the Government will support a Bill in Parliament to legalise assisted dying. In March, Archbishop John reminded us that “the Catholic Church believes and teaches that every life is valuable, regardless of one’s physical or mental state or ability”, which is why “we cannot approve of any form of euthanasia and assisted suicide”. You can find out how more on :

Holy Cross Film Club showing: The Lady in the Van

Parish Centre 7.45 pm, Friday 8 November (Refreshments from 7.30pm)

Fairtrade Parish

Please use Fair Trade tea, Coffee and sugar where possible.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention October: For A Shared Mission

Let us pray that the Church continue to sustain a synodal lifestyle in every way, as a sign of co responsibility, promoting the participation, communion and mission shared by priests, religious and laity.                                                                                                

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, William Barton, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson, Janet Pini, Breda Witherow, Denis Hartnett, Peter Shelbourne,  …
Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …

October 20th 2024


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Parish Priest Fr. Henry Tiku Wenna

Assistant Priest Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Tel: 020 8647 0022


Go to or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.

======================================================TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY – Y. B

Sat. 19TH Oct.
Ss Jihn de Brebeuf & Isaac Jogues, Priests  Companions, Martyrs
18:30Jack & Linda D’Mello – RIP
Sun. 20th Oct.
World Mission Sunday
08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Samson Gonsalves – RIP
Mon. 21st Oct.
St Margaret Clitherow, Martyr
10:00Jacqueline D’Mello Personal Intention
Tue. 22nd Oct.
St John Paul II, Pope
10:00For the Clergy of Holy Cross
Wed. 23rd Oct.
St John Of Capistrano
Thu. 24th Oct.
St Anthony Mary Claret
10:00Bernard & Rose McDonagh – RIP
Fri. 25th Oct.
The Forty Martyrs
12:00Marjorie Alexander – Feveck – RIP
SAT. 26th Oct
The Blessed Virgin Mary
09:00Adoration And Benediction
10:00Gemma De Souza Personal Intention
18:30Maria O’Shea – RIP
SUN. 27th Oct.  08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Erica O. Personal Intention
18:30Jennifer Hau- Health Intention
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm 
Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am.  

Second Collection This Weekend for Missio.

Missio is the Church’s official organ for the support of foreign missions. Collection taken on World Mission Sunday goes in its entirety to support Churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is new, young or poor. Missio works through local bishops, Churches and missionary congregations to ensure that resources are distributed equitably and justly on the basis of need.

 Rosary Month

The month of October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. Rosary will be said every day before 10am Mass.  Those who recite five decades of the Rosary in church, or a family, or as a group may gain a plenary indulgence daily. You can also recite daily the Prayer to Saint Joseph and the Litany of Loreto.

Maria O’Shea – RIP Funeral

It is with great sadness that we announced the death of Maria O’Shea who was a long time parishioner of Holy Cross Parish, she has done our Lady Chapel Floral arrangements for more than 25 years. All our condolences to her family and friends. Her funeral is on Wednesday 6th November at 9.30 am . All invited.



Join us for Bible study, Monday 21st Oct. at 7.30pm .

We will be showing the film:Paul, Apostle of Christ

This film tells the story of Paul, who persecuted Christians prior to his conversion to Christianity and went on to become a leading figure in the formation of the early church, before his execution by Emperor Nero.

All welcome for one or all of the sessions. See noticeboard for more details. Contact:

Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Journey in Faith continues this Thursday, 24th Oct., beginning with refreshments at 7:45pm in the hall.

This week’s theme: Jesus Christ our Saviour.

If you were unable to attend last week but would like to join the group, you are most welcome. Please get in touch with Kathy:

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass 

The Children’s Liturgy is running till this Sun 20th October before we break off for the half term holidays.  We will resume on Sun 10th November 2024

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Esme via the Parish Office: . Thank you for all your support.

Reminder : CONFIRMATION Registration

Parent’s meeting on 22nd October, 7pm.

Forms are available on the table in the porch. Please note that the Confirmation program is only for candidates of Year 10 and above. Please pray for our candidates and catechists. The registration fee is £20.

Extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Comminion

A meeting will be held in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 23rd October. There will be Adoration in the Church if you would like to attend before the meeting.

National Lottery Award For Our Church

With these sustained and continuous use the Parish Centre requires much day-to-day maintenance and after being in service for 20 years now, is in need of a considerable amount of refurbishment including decoration, renewal of kitchen and toilet facilities, provision of additional external storage facilities and we also wish to bring the grassed area within the railings in front of the Church back into use.

The good news is that the National Lottery has a Community Fund designed to assist with exactly this sort of need and earlier this year, the Parish was invited to make a bid for assistance. This was successful and we have been given a grant of £20,000.00 towards the cost of the various works. 

We hope that the work will start during the Half Term break and continue after. We are extremely grateful to the National Lottery and all its contributors for their generosity. Please note that the Parish Hall will not be available during that time for any activity. For more information check the parish website.

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group 9.00 am-10.15am

Mondays  21st Oct.

11th  Nov / 25th Nov

Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits.

Entry: £1.50 per family. We look forward to welcoming you!

MA Research Project Parish FeedbackTHE HOLY TRINITY

knowledge, understanding and spiritual progression

Tuesday 29th October 7.30pm in Upper Room in parish hall. Please book your place by emailing Cherryl:

The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS).

It is a knowledge-based, internationally recognised qualification that provides participants with an understanding of the teachings of the Catholic faith.  It enhances the understanding that education within the Church is a life-long process which leads to greater intimacy with Jesus Christ. This course presents the basic foundational teachings of the Catholic Church in a manner that is captivating, inspiring, and applicable.  The CCRS is designed and intended to support the Archbishop’s vision of missionary parishes and schools by cultivating an evangelistic spirit.  Participants will be equipped to make an informed and practical contributions to their chosen field of ministry within the Church. Please visit for further information. Closing date for applicants this year is 4 November 2024.

Southwark Catholic Youth Network

We’ve introduced several Youth / Young Adults Days and retreats this year in different areas of the Archdiocese, including the Cathedral, New Malden, and Chatham. The days are an opportunity for the children to receive catechesis about the key aspects of the faith from a guest speaker.

For more and to book:

Oppose Assisted Dying Bill.

There have been increasing reports that the Government will support a Bill in Parliament to legalise assisted dying. In March, Archbishop John reminded us that “the Catholic Church believes and teaches that every life is valuable, regardless of one’s physical or mental state or ability”, which is why “we cannot approve of any form of euthanasia and assisted suicide”. You can find out how more on:

Fairtrade Parish

Please use Fair Trade tea, Coffee and sugar where possible.

St Philomena’s Catholic High School for Girls

Is seeking to appoint: Acting Catholic Social Justice Coordinator

Non-Teaching Position. Required for November 2024 until October 2025

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention October: For A Shared Mission

Let us pray that the Church continue to sustain a synodal lifestyle in every way, as a sign of co responsibility, promoting the participation, communion and mission shared by priests, religious and laity.

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson, Janet Pini, Breda Witherow, Denis Hartnett, Peter Shelbourne,  … Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …

October 13th 2024


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Parish Priest Fr. Henry Tiku Wenna

Assistant Priest Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Tel: 020 8647 0022


Go to or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.



Sat. 12TH Oct.
St Wilfrid
18:30Theresa O’Hallopan – RIP
Sun. 13th Oct.
Day Of Prayer For Prisoners and Their Families
08:00People Of The Parish
11:00Teresa McDonagh Full Healing
18:30Downview Prison – Belmont
Mon. 14th Oct.
St Callistus I, Pope & Martyr
10:00Phillip Quinton Personal Intention
Tue. 15th Oct.
St Teresa Of Jesus ( Of Ávila)
10:00Jerome Fernandes – RIP
Wed. 16th Oct.
Ss Hedwig, Margaret Mary  Alacoque
10:00Deborah Whittaker – RIP
Thu. 17th Oct.
St Ignatius Of Antioch, Martyr
10:00Exalo Oliveira – RIP
Fri. 18th Oct.
St Luke, Evangelist, Feast
12:00Maria O’Shea -RIP
SAT. 19th Oct
Ss Jihn de Brebeuf & Isaac Jogues, Priests  Companions, Martyrs
09:00No Adoration And Benediction
11:00An Encounter With Jesus & Mary
18:30Jack & Linda D’Mello – RIP
SUN. 20th Oct. World Mission Sunday08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Samson Gonsalves – RIP
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm 
Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am.  

Second Collection Next Weekend for Missio.

Missio is the Church’s official organ for the support of foreign missions. Collection taken on World Mission Sunday goes in its entirety to support Churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is new, young or poor. Missio works through local bishops, Churches and missionary congregations to ensure that resources are distributed equitably and justly on the basis of need.

A Day Of Encounter With Jesus & Mary

Here at Holy Cross: Sat.19th Oct. From 11am, with Holy Mass at 12noon Led by Fr Vincent.

The Parish is organizing a special day of prayer for all.

Featuring:  Adoration .Confession .Rosary . Divine Mercy  .Holy Mass . Intercessory Prayers . Anointing . Blessing Of Sacramentals

There will also be special prayer for the sick. Plan to attend and extend the invitation to others.

We also need volunteers for the day, so if you can help, please kindly contact the Parish Office.

Please note that No 09am Adoration and 10am Mass on that day. Thank you.

 Rosary Month

The month of October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. Feast of Our Lady Of the Rosary is celebrated on 0ctober 7th. Rosary will be said every day before 10am Mass.  Those who recite five decades of the Rosary in church, or a family, or as a group may gain a plenary indulgence daily. You can also recite daily the Prayer to Saint Joseph and the Litany of Loreto.

Maria O’Shea – RIP

It is with great sadness that we announced the death of Maria O’Shea who was a long time parishioner of Holy Cross Parish, she has done our Lady Chapel Floral arrangments for more than 25 years. All our condolences to her family and friends.



Join us for Bible study, Monday 21st Oct. at 7.30pm .

We will be showing the film: Paul, Apostle of Christ

This film tells the story of Paul, who persecuted Christians prior to his conversion to Christianity and went on to become a leading figure in the formation of the early church, before his execution by Emperor Nero.

All welcome for one or all of the sessions. See noticeboard for more details. Contact:

Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Journey in Faith continues this Thursday, 17th Oct., beginning with refreshments at 7:45pm in the hall.

This week’s theme: The Creed and God the Father

If you were unable to attend last week but would like to join the group, you are most welcome. Please get in touch with Kathy:

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass 

The Children’s Liturgy takes place on Sundays in term time.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Esme via the Parish Office:

CONFIRMATION Registration:  Parent’s meeting on 22nd October, 7pm.

Forms are available on the table in the porch. Please note that the Confirmation program is only for candidates of Year 10 and above. Please pray for our candidates and catechists. The registration fee is £20.

National Lottery Award For Our Church

With these sustained and continuous use the Parish Centre requires much day-to-day maintenance and after being in service for 20 years now, is in need of a considerable amount of refurbishment including decoration, renewal of kitchen and toilet facilities, provision of additional external storage facilities and we also wish to bring the grassed area within the railings in front of the Church back into use.

The good news is that the National Lottery has a Community Fund designed to assist with exactly this sort of need and earlier this year, the Parish was invited to make a bid for assistance. This was successful and we have been given a grant of £20,000.00 towards the cost of the various works. 

We hope that the work will start during the Half Term break and continue after. We are extremely grateful to the National Lottery and all its contributors for their generosity. Please note that the Parish Hall will not be available during that time for any activity.

For more information check the parish website ‘Home Page’

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group 9.00 am-10.15am

Mondays  21st Oct.

11th  Nov / 25th Nov

Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits.

Entry: £1.50 per family. We look forward to welcoming you!

The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS).

It is a knowledge-based, internationally recognised qualification that provides participants with an understanding of the teachings of the Catholic faith.  It enhances the understanding that education within the Church is a life-long process which leads to greater intimacy with Jesus Christ. This course presents the basic foundational teachings of the Catholic Church in a manner that is captivating, inspiring, and applicable.  The CCRS is designed and intended to support the Archbishop’s vision of missionary parishes and schools by cultivating an evangelistic spirit.  Participants will be equipped to make an informed and practical contributions to their chosen field of ministry within the Church. Please visit for further information. Closing date for applicants this year is 4 November 2024.

Southwark Catholic Youth Network

We’ve introduced several Youth / Young Adults Days and retreats this year in different areas of the Archdiocese, including the Cathedral, New Malden, and Chatham. The days are an opportunity for the children to receive catechesis about the key aspects of the faith from a guest speaker.

For more and to book:

Fairtrade Parish

Please use Fair Trade tea, Coffee and sugar where possible.

An evening with Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati : 31.10.24 -6.30pm

Archbishop John will deliver a talk on Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, St George’s Cathedral.

Afterwards, we will have a social at Amigo Hall – All are welcome!

St Philomena’s Catholic High School for Girls

Is seeking to appoint: Acting Catholic Social Justice Coordinator

Non-Teaching Position. Required for November 2024 until October 2025

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention October: For A Shared Mission

Let us pray that the Church continue to sustain a synodal lifestyle in every way, as a sign of co responsibility, promoting the participation, communion and mission shared by priests, religious and laity.

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson, Janet Pini, Breda Witherow, Denis Hartnett, Peter Shelbourne,  … Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …