
Baptism Preparationhc1

The code of Canon Law requires parents to be prepared and instructed for the Baptism of their children, so they understand the meaning of the sacrament and the obligations attached to it.

Preparation in this parish involves attending two sessions which are usually held on the first and second Saturday of each month; alternatively evening sessions are available.  The sessions are held in the Parish Centre or may arranged via Zoom. They last about an hour and tea and coffee are available.  Before preparation parents will be sent a registration form to be completed and given to Father Henry. Once preparation is completed parents may arrange the Baptism date with the Father Henry.

We currently have a team of catechists who lead the sessions.  New members to the team are always welcome (you don’t need any previous experience as a catechist).

If you are interested in joining the team or wish to book for the preparation sessions  use the contact form or follow the link
