Holy Cross Playgroup
Our friendly playgroup runs on various Mondays during term time from 9.00 – 10.15am in the Parish Centre. Please find dates for Summer Term 2024: See poster above
All are welcome to join us for crafts, soft play, singing, stories and socialising with other families over tea/coffee and biscuits. No pre-booking required.
A contribution of £1.50 per family goes towards the group’s running costs and supporting the parish. Volunteers to help with running the group are always welcome.
Please contact Liz/Esme via the Parish Office if you would like to volunteer or with any queries.
Holy Cross Film Club
All are welcome to the monthly showings of films in the Parish Centre on Friday evenings beginning with refreshments at 7.30 p.m. Booking is not needed, just turn up.
Entry is free but donations are appreciated.
Details of future dates and titles are published in the Parish Newsletter.
For more information email HolyCrossFilmClub@outlook.com
If you love flowers and appreciate their value in Church, then you would be warmly welcomed to join the Flower Team.
We work to a rota, arranging the flowers on a Friday after the midday Mass or on a Saturday, after the 10.00am Mass.
We do simple arrangements during Ordinary Time, but more elaborate arrangements for Christmas, Easter, First Holy Communion, Confirmation and Pentecost.
For more information, please contact Susan Theobald through the Contact Form on the Holy Cross website.
Holy Cross Church takes part in an inter parish online prayer group. It meets fortnightly to read through scripture from the new testament and to discuss the meaning and impact for us living in today’s world. There is also time for intercessionary prayers. The group will take a break during August and meetings will resume in September over Zoom. If you are interested in joining, please use the contact page and someone will get back to you.