Gift Aid – ( with downloadable forms)

Gift Aid is a means by which Holy Cross and many other churches can claim back the tax on your donations to the church. Typically Holy Cross can reclaim about £8000 per year and this helps considerably with the Parish finances. It doesn’t cost you anything, but you do have to be a tax payer and sign a declaration to that effect.

As a result of the pandemic, over the last year Holy Cross has seen a significant decline in income and so we are asking again if you would consider becoming a Gift Aid subscriber.  At the same time we are asking if you would consider setting up a Standing Order so that our income is more stable. You can still use the envelope as before if you wish to donate extra on any occasion.

Please collect your box for the coming year from the Parish centre . There will also be Standing Order forms available if you require one.

Alternatively the links below will download the forms which you can print and fill in.

Thank you for your continuing support and generousity to our Parish at Holy Cross.

Contact –


Gift Aid Declaration :

Please return the Declaration form either to Father Henry or put it through the letterbox of the presbytery.

Standing order form :

Standing order form RCAS Holy Cross Car

This can easily be set up online if you have internet banking or take or send the form to your bank. If this is difficult for you please drop it into the presbytery.

