February 9th 2025


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Assistant Priest Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Priest Fr. Luke Verhees

Deacon Sandy Misquitta

Tel: 020 8647 0022

Email: carshalton@rcaos.org.uk

Go to mcnmedia.tv or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.

======================================================FIFTH SUNDAY O.T YEAR C

Sat.08th Feb.
St. Josephine Bakhita Day For Victims Of Trafficking
18:30Aline & Stella Fernandes Oliveira Family
Sun. 09th Feb.  08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Maria Nguyen Thi Bay – RIP
11:00George Buckley – RIP
18:30John Mc Crossan – RIP
Mon. 10th Feb .
St Scholastica
10:00Holy Souls
Tue. 11th Feb.
World Day For The Sick Our Lady Of Lourdes
10:00Fr Wenna Henry Tiku- RIP
Wed. 12th Feb.  08:00 
10:00Maura O’Keefe – RIP
Thu. 13th Feb.  08:00 
Fri. 14th Feb.
Ss Cyril, Monk & Methodius, Valentine – Feast
SAT. 15th Feb
The Blessed Virgin Mary
10:00Fr Wenna Henry Tiku – RIP
18:30Good Health For Berjis Kabir & Family
SUN. 16th Feb.
Racial Justice Day
08:00Tim Watchous – RIP
09:30Patricia O’Keefe – RIP
11:00Diane & Grenville Dias – RIP
18:30People Of The Parish
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm 
Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am
Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am. 

.Second Collection next weekend for Racial Justice Day

Next weekend there will be a second collection for the Catholic Association for Racial Justice. This collection supports the work of the Catholic Church to promote racial justice in our schools, parishes and in wider society.

Safeguarding : Parents, please accompany your children under 9 years old to the toilets. The Archdiocese of Southwark is committed to the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults.

Save the date !   World Day of Prayer takes place on Friday 7th March. Holy Cross Church will host the service to be held at 1.30p.m.

Further details to follow.


Holy God, Thank You for the precious gift of love that You have given to us. Thank You for blessing us every day with Your love and the power and strength that we find in You. Your love sustains us.  It’s like food and medicine for our souls.

Lord, some people are harder to love than others.  Help us to be able to express and share the gift of love with those around us. Forgive us for the times we have not done so … and continue the work You are doing in our lives so that we might have the heart of Christ.



  Mondays 10th February /24th February at 7.30pm,  Parish hall.  

Contact: carshaltonplf@rcaos.org.uk

Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Next session Thursday 13th February 7:45pm.

For more information, or if you are considering starting the process with the new group in September, contact Kathy: edmsutton@rcaos.org.uk

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass.

Our last Children’s Liturgy session before the February half-term break will be on Sunday 9th February. We’ll resume on Sunday 2nd March.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Esme via the Parish Office: carshalton@rcaos.org.uk Thank you for all your support.

Lightfever – ‘How To’ Day

Are you wondering how your Church can reach out to others? 

Lightfever is an event of prayer with an offer to everyone to ‘come and see’. It is an invitation to enter into a Catholic Church, to light a candle for a loved one, to speak with Jesus, or chat with a team of friendly volunteers, or simply to just be in the peace of the Church.

Discover how to set up and run Lightfever in your Parish. Receive training (provided by Maria Heath, Director of Mission Northampton), resources and practical tips to help you bring this event to your Parish.

Participate in inviting others into the Church to discover Jesus.

Join us on Saturday 15th February 10:00am – 3:30pm at the Catholic Church of The Most Precious Blood, O’Meara Street, London, SE1.

See posters in the porch or parish centre.  Scan the QR code to sign up.

Parish contact – Kathy Ball edmsutton@rcaos.org.uk


are encouraged to sit at the front, so that children get a good view of the altar.  At all Sunday Masses space will be reserved for them – this will vary from one row to several, according to the number of families expected at each Mass.  The Candidates will take part in the offertory procession.  Please welcome them into our parish community.

Intercessory Prayer sessions

On the first Tuesday of every month, just after the 10am mass, the church will be holding an Intercessory Prayer in light of Holy Scripture requesting  all our needs.  Prayer is the most effective  way to have a relationship with God who is the Highest Authority.

Archbishop John Wilson new book entitledThe Romero Rosary.

With introductory chapters about St Oscar Romero and the rosary, this beautiful and creative new book contains reflections on the traditional mysteries of the rosary (Joy, Light, Sorrow & Glory) and the NEW Romero Mysteries (Charity, Compassion and Mercy, & Justice and Peace) – all illumined for reflection and prayer by the words of St Oscar Romero. The book is available from Pauline Bookshops and online at www.paulineuk.org. The Archbishops warmly invites everyone to the book launch on Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 6.00 for 6.30pm at Amigo Hall, adjacent St George’s Cathedral, Southwark, South London. SE1 7HY.

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group – 9am-10.15am

Mon: 10th Feb. / 3rd March / 17th March / 31st March

Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits. We look forward to welcoming you!

Disability Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome in 2025.

Kairos Forum and Bishop Paul Hendricks are leading a Disability Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome in 2025. It is taking place on 26 April 2025 to 1 May. Mass will be celebrated every day, along with activities such as visiting the Holy Door and a meeting with the Holy Father in St Peter’s Square. Email Cristina Gangemi at: kairosforumevents@gmail.com or visit here for more details: https://tinyurl.com/mrxj7s99

Jubilee Churches and Shrines in Southwark

The faithful, pilgrims of hope, will be able to obtain the Jubilee Indulgence granted by the Holy Father if they undertake a pious pilgrimage to any sacred Jubilee site. There will be sixteen Designated Jubilee Churches and Shrines in Southwark. Such are to be seen as ‘sacred places of welcome and privileged spaces for the rebirth of hope’. Of these 16, the closest to Carshalton are:

The Cathedral of St George in Southwark; Sacred Heart in Wimbledon; St Ann in Kingston Hill; St Mary’s (Our Lady of Reparation) in West Croydon; St Boniface in Tooting and St Elizabeth in Richmond.

Pilgrimage to Rome & Assisi 2-7 June 25 With Fr Philip Pak

Please check the board in the porch.

Holy Cross Film Club showing: Casablanca

Parish Centre, 7.45 pm, Friday 14 February

(Doors open/refreshments from 7.30pm. The classic romantic thriller, set in WWII, in which Rick Blaine, a cynical night club owner, makes an excruciating decision.

With Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman. Running time: 102 mins, plus interval Admission Free, No booking required. More: HolyCrossFilmClub@outlook.com 

Celebrate your Marriage:

National Marriage Week is an opportunity to celebrate your marriage, a national event which runs from February 7-14. For a rich resource of information, prayers and events visit the Bishops’ Conference website: https://www.cbcew.org.uk/

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention Feb.: For vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life. 

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, Fr Wenna Henry Tiku, Mary Coghlan, William Barton, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson …
Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …