November 24th 2024


46 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JD

Parish Priest Fr. Henry Tiku Wenna

Assistant Priest Fr. Vincent Okon

Resident Priest Fr. Philip Pak

Tel: 020 8647 0022


Go to or follow the link on the Home page for live streaming 

Streaming is available all the time.



Sat. 23rd Nov.
St Clement I, Pope & MArtyr.
18:30Thanksgiving For F.C.B.J & Family
Sun. 24th Nov.
Christ The king
08:00People Of The Parish
09:30Thanksgiving For Health & Wellbeing – Swella Dias
11:00Rebecca Birthday Intention
18:30Jennifer Hau Health Intention
Mon. 25Th Nov.
St Catherine Of Alexandria, Martyr.
08:00Deceased Members Of Omotoso & Fasun Loro Family
10:00Deceased Members Of Bradley Family & Friends
Tue. 26th Nov.  08:00Margaret Fernandes – RIP
10:00Deceased Members Of AnthonyFamily & Friends  Edward Dixon – RIP
Wed. 27th Nov.  08:00John Ian Brogan
10:00 Swelha Dias Father- RIP
Thu. 28th Nov.
St  Catherine LabourÉ
08:00Carmeline Mendes- RIP Deceased Members Of Driver & Croke Fami
10:00Thanksgiving & Pers. Int. D’Almeida
Fri. 29th Nov.
Ss Cuthbert Mayne & Companions, Martyrs
08:00Deceased Members Of Desouza And Fernandes  Family
12:00Deceased Members Omotoso & Noeleen Family
SAT. 30th Nov.
St Andrew, Apostle, Feast
08:00Ross Desouza – RIP
09:00Adoration And Benediction
10:00Paul Khien Tran – RIP
18:30Anne Marie Kone – RIP
SUN. 01st Dec.
1st Sunday Of Advent
08:00Ricky Bermudez – RIP
09:30People Of The Parish
11:00Cath Byrne – RIP
18:30Jennifer Hau – Health Intention
Confessions:  Saturday – 10.30 am to 11:15 am; 6pm to 6.25pm
 Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament:  Every day: 7am-8am Wed.:5pm-8pm & Sat. 9am.  


A plenary indulgence is granted for those present, subject to the usual conditions

Second Collection this weekend for the Catholic Youth Services

There will be a second collection for the Catholic  Youth Services. This collection supports youth work in the diocese and beyond, especially the Southwark Catholic Youth Service.

Safeguarding : Parents, please accompany your children under 9 years old to the toilets. The Archdiocese of Southwark is committed to the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults.

Fr Luke’s 70th Anniversary  Of Ordination – 8th December 11 am

Reminder : Please enter your names on the list in the Porch.



With Bishop Barron. Join us for Bible study, Monday 25th Nov. at 7.30pm , Parish hall.

In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and fulfilled completely in his very person. All welcome for one or all of the sessions. See noticeboard for more details. Contact:

Journey in Faith 2024 – 2025 (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Sessions continue on 28th November with a session on the Church and the Church’s Year. Please get in touch with Kathy:

Children’s Liturgy Group – Sunday 9.30 am Mass 

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Esme via the Parish Office: . Thank you for all your support.


Confirmation Session started on 12th November at 7pm.

Forms are available on the table in the porch. Please note that the Confirmation program is only for candidates of Year 10 and above. Please pray for our candidates and catechists. The registration fee is £20.

Holy Cross Christmas ‘Open House’ Sat. 7th December, 1:00 – 3:30pm

Helpers needed!

Following the parish expo in September, we now want to reach out and invite people from our local community to visit our church for free festive refreshments and the opportunity, if they wish, to spend time in prayer or quiet reflection in the church. We need people to help serve refreshments, be present in the church and hand out invitation cards in the streets. We need at least 12 people, but the more the merrier. Please contact Margaret Ann on 07986 743107 to get involved in this outreach activity.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service – Save the date

Holy Cross Church will be hosting the Unity Service on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 7.30 p.m. Please make a note of the date and further details will follow after Christmas.

Holy Cross Baby and Toddler Group 9.00 am-10.15am

Monday 25th Nov.  Entry: £1.50 per family.

Monday 9th December : Christmas party.

There will be snacks, festive activities and a gift for each child (£3 tickets available 25th November and on the day subject to availability ).

Parish families, please join us for crafting, playing, singing and chatting over a cup of tea /coffee and biscuits. We look forward to welcoming you!

Flame 2025 – 15th March 2025

CYMFed is working for a world in which there is a vibrant Youth Ministry in every Catholic Community.The Southwark Diocesan Youth Service is thrilled to invite all young people to join them once again for an inspirational day of worship, top-rated speakers, fantastic music and the chance to join together in prayer.

We are organising a coach from St Elphege’s to Wembley for Flame, and have reserved the tickets via the Southwark Youth Team at the early bird cost of £29:00 per ticket. Registration and consent will be coordinated through St Elphege’s.

PACT – High Down Visits Centre Holy Cross Christmas Toy Appeal

Our annual Christmas Toy Appeal aims to make Christmas magic for the children whose Mothers are in prison by giving a Christmas gift to their child. Please bring your toys to the Parish before the 15th of December; Please also label them with age appropriateness. With your help, we can make the festive period a little brighter for families.Thank you.

Welcomers and Stewards needed!

Are you someone who enjoys meeting and greeting people? Could you be a friendly, welcoming face for newcomers to the parish? Then do consider joining the team of Welcomers and Stewards.  Volunteers particularly needed for the Christmas Masses. Contact Natacha:

Praying the Mass with Archbishop John:

Advent is a time people return to Mass, sometimes after many years – for others Mass is the cornerstone of their spiritual lives. To help people, wherever they are on their spiritual journey, connect more prayerfully with the Lord Jesus, Archbishop John has recorded a message ( which guides us on how to pray through the Mass. Archbishop John said: ‘the Eucharist is at the very heart of the Mass, but also the Church. It is an invitation from the Lord Jesus to participate in His sacrifice’.

Southwark Archdiocese Rosary Prayer Project

Everyone is warmly invited to join this Archdiocese-wide prayer initiative, praying a decade of the Rosary each day for priests and parishes in their deanery.

For details see the poster on the noticeboard, pick up an invitation leaflet at the back of church or email

Assisted Suicide

With only two weeks remaining until the parliamentary debate and vote, the Bishops urge Catholics and all who share our belief in the sanctity and value of every human life to contact their local MP, expressing their opposition and requesting that they either oppose or abstain from supporting the Bill.

Some of Archbishop John’s statements and his pastoral message on Assisted Suicide may be found here:

2025: Year of Jubilee

Pope Francis has announced that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee – an event that happens every 25 years.

The theme for the upcoming Jubilee is Pilgrims of Hope. The 2025 Jubilee will begin in Advent 2024 and will run until the Feast of the Epiphany in 2026. In the parish, we shall emphasise and encourage more prayer groups and pilgrimages within and outside the country.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention Nov.: For Those Who Have Lost A Child.

Let us pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community, and may receive peace of heart from the Spirit of Consolation.                                                                                               

May they rest in peace: Remember those who died recently, William Barton, Maria O’Shea, Irene Quinton, Eileen Pini , Ann Pettingell, Janet Gibson, Janet Pini, Breda Witherow, Denis Hartnett, Peter Shelbourne,  …
Remember to pray for those who are sick the isolated, and their carers, especially those within our own Parish Community: Sidney Brown, Michelle Arthur, Norah Sheridan, Mary Pierse, Edna Thornton, Mary Dolan, Maria Leggett, Doris D’Siouza …