RCIA – Journey in Faith

Journey in Faith  2023 – 2024  

Journey in Faith  (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

 Journey in Faith is the process by which adults can prepare to be received into the Catholic Church.  It aims to help people deepen their knowledge of Jesus and their relationship with Him; it takes people through the key teachings of the Catholic Church and looks at the issues facing Catholics in today’s world.  For those who decide to become Catholics, it includes preparation for the sacraments.

Some of you, though not Catholic yourselves, may have been coming to Mass faithfully with your families for some time and may now be interested in finding out more about being received fully into the Church.  Others may be feeling drawn to the Catholic Church for the first time.

Some parishioners may know someone who’s expressed an interest in finding out more about the Catholic faith.

Sessions are held weekly in the Parish Centre from September to Easter at 7.45pm and last for about an hour.

If you are interested please come along or contact the Journey in Faith team using the contact form on the website or email: edmsutton@rcaos.org.uk

We look forward to hearing from you.
