Home – Welcome to Holy Cross Catholic Church


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Important – please read

Dear all,

Father Henry’s phone has been hacked, Friday afternoon (4/10). Please block his number and do not respond to any requests for money.

Thank you


Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.

027Welcome to our parish community.

Each parish you have lived in must have been a new experience, a way of sharing your faith in fellowship. Every community is constantly being renewed – newcomers take the place of others who have gone and bring with them a new impetus and a fresh enthusiasm. We  need you and we realise that the contribution you can make is unique.

With the help of these pages we hope  you can see where you might fit in. Do let us know how we can contact you. We hope we can help you to settle in among us.

We are first of all a Eucharistic community, centred on Christ, without whom we will get nowhere. We all of us have something to share with each other (and pass on), in order to discover ever more about our faith. We too are evangelisers: Christ is Saviour of everyone.

Everyone is welcome.


Streaming is available all the time.

Let’s pray for each other, for everyone in Carshalton, and for all who are affected by the corona virus – including our NHS workers.


If you feel you would like to make a donation to Holy Cross, below are details of the churches bank account for online donations. 

Nat West:   Account number 11064943  :  Sort code 60 22 20

Acc. name : RCAS Carshalton


Lottery Funding

 On behalf of Fr Henry and the Parish Pastoral Council, I am delighted to share some excellent news.

Our Parish Centre is in use practically every day and there is a comprehensive programme of events.  These include use by various parish groups and, as part of our mission of evangelisation and service to and engagement with the wider Community of Carshalton and The Wrythe in which we are geographically situated, events which reach out to and include that wider community.

For example, there is a drop-in Lunch Club that meets every Friday throughout the year after the Midday Mass.  This comprises a mixed age group of parishioners and members of the local community, ranging from seniors to mothers of pre-school age children, and this provides opportunities for social engagement and combats loneliness and isolation.

Tea and coffee are available after all three Sunday morning Masses and after the 10.00 Masses on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  The Mother and Toddler Group meets alternate Monday mornings during School Term time and like the Friday lunch club, offers a safe haven for engagement and companionship for those from the Parish and wider community who attend.

Other uses include First Holy Communion, Confirmation and RCIA classes, Baptism and Marriage preparation and Bible Study and prayer groups and Children’s Liturgy.  The Parish Pastoral Council meets here and the Evangelisation, Formation, Catechesis, Extraordinary Minister and Steward/Welcoming teams meet here when required.  The Parish Centre is also used for social functions by various groups including the UCM, Hosanna House, the Catenians and the newly established Film Club, as well as private bookings by parishioners for weddings, wakes, baptisms and significant birthday celebrations and the toilet facilities are available whenever the Church is open.

With all this sustained and continuous use the Parish Centre requires much day-to-day maintenance and after being in service for twenty years now, is in need of a considerable amount of refurbishment including decoration, renewal of kitchen and toilet facilities, provision of additional external storage facilities and we also wish to bring the grassed area within the railings in front of the Church back into use.

The good news is that the National Lottery has a Community Fund designed to assist with exactly this sort of need and earlier this year, the Parish was invited to make a bid for assistance.  This was successful and we have been given a grant of £20,000.00 towards the cost of the various works.  To avoid closing the facilities during the Summer holidays, the work was delayed but it is now hoped that this will take place during the Half Term break at the end of this month and continue thereafter.  We are extremely grateful to the National Lottery and all its contributors for their generosity.  Please watch the Newsletter for more information.

Andrew Theobald  –  Chair, Parish Pastoral Council


Please see our Newsletter for up to date events and activities in our Parish.  (Deadline for entries for the following week 4pm Mondays)


Go to Pastoral Message page to read the Archbishops message

Pastoral Message on the Question of Assisted Suicide


Children’s Liturgy   –   Please see the Children’s Liturgy under the Ministries page for details


Bible Study 

For details of forthcoming sessions please follow the link below  mailto:carshaltonplf@rcaos.org.uk


Any queries regarding Preparation for Sacraments – please use the contact form


Baptism Preparation enquiriessee under ‘Sacrament’ page  or use the link 



First Holy Communion  – for an update on FHC please go to the ‘Sacrament’ page .


Confirmationsee under ‘Sacrament’ page  

See under Sacraments, Confirmation page for further details.

To contact the  Confirmation team:



For ALL  inquiries regards use of the Parish Centre please email:



(n.b. If you are expecting an email from any of the above please check your ‘spam’ folder if it does not arrive. – Webmaster)